| Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN | |
+87Delboj Big Brle petronije philips1 maxxxii mirjana mirjana Karlo bonum.mm boban75 Nemesis Stane Dolanc dekila Aca123 ima nade goxi Colle Boranija pepermint Zakasneli veljko98 flash Deniko C R A Z Y Teletrader Infinity Motika Popaj Frenky Matans Limited011 Roman Abramovich Dragan Ars Vivendi Ceras Fmember Zeljko Prokuplje Sofke Sutra Novosadjanin007 Rogy Lord Stem pepsiman gogloee SabanNonda Zoranecc Racunarko NEBOJSAe Vladulns LJUBICHITZA Jovana2009 Dnenad85 KRUSKA Maca nepet Bookmaker sniper74 Aritmeticar Polos Kenzo Drag_Mlad Mali akcionar Jaca iki Ris Non-ProfitOrganization MarkoJTD Magi2 Kobe Bryant Milica1 Dusan MilanLaki StefanMR BAJA PATAK Aleks HUACHUMA Joca nikica37 Poštar Magi Greta Milos86 Matthew Greenburgh Alec Dr Zuk Sneki Rade 91 posters |
Autor | Poruka |
Rade Our family
Broj poruka : 269 Points : -271 Datum upisa : 23.05.2007
| Naslov: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 5/26/2007, 13:26 | |
| Kucamo na vrata zaboravljenih asova! Rado bi kupio po 93K. al sumnjam da će biti prilike. Nego,jel istina da skoro svi moraju da idu preko njihove telefonske centrale u inostranstvo? Ne mogu prosto da iščekam dogadjaje u narednom periodu. _________________ Pametnom je i komarac muzika.
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Rade Our family
Broj poruka : 269 Points : -271 Datum upisa : 23.05.2007
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 5/29/2007, 23:45 | |
| juuhuuu...! _________________ Pametnom je i komarac muzika.
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Sneki Beli Mag
Broj poruka : 5405 Localisation : Centar grada Points : 6910 Datum upisa : 21.05.2007
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 8/28/2007, 13:06 | |
| Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - Skupština akcionara
Posted: 27 Aug 2007 08:01 AM CDT
Beograd, 27. avgust 2007 - Jubmes banka najavila je Skupština akcionara za 18. oktobra ove godine. Skupština bi trebala da se izjasni o predlogu odluke o izdavanju javnom ponudom običnih akcija a radi povećavanja osnovnog kapitala. Pravo učestvovanja u odlučivanju na skupštini imaju akcionari na dan 11. septembar ove godine. | |
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Dr Zuk Still learning
Broj poruka : 79 Points : -6 Datum upisa : 25.05.2007
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 8/28/2007, 13:16 | |
| - Alec ::
Matt? Gde si? :?: sachekaj da obuche kravatu, nije jos uvezban, pa mu treba malo vishe vremena :clown: | |
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Alec Just looking
Broj poruka : 23 Points : -8 Datum upisa : 10.08.2007
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 8/28/2007, 17:12 | |
| Au... on i ne zna za ovaj dijamant! | |
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Matthew Greenburgh Partner
Broj poruka : 1578 Localisation : EC4A 2BB Points : 2526 Datum upisa : 09.08.2007
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 8/28/2007, 17:22 | |
| - Alec ::
- Au... on i ne zna za ovaj dijamant!
Dijamant?! Kakav bre dijamant... Ovo je najveca shitina na berzi koja postoji. ;) ;) ;) Koji li je danas ludak istrgovao po onoj ceni. C, c,c... P/BV: 5.84x P/aktiva: 3.65x P/krediti: 11.18x P/depoziti: 10.54x EUR 200 milion market cap?? Za ovo?? Evo da se prekrstim. Ma... nije bi bitno... Samo vi trgujte ;) ;) ;) _________________ He makes millions of dollars come out of those phones. He is the most revered of all species: a Big Swinging Dick.
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Alec Just looking
Broj poruka : 23 Points : -8 Datum upisa : 10.08.2007
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 8/28/2007, 17:28 | |
| Znao sam... Zaleteli su se ljudi zbog dokapa... :drunken: | |
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Matthew Greenburgh Partner
Broj poruka : 1578 Localisation : EC4A 2BB Points : 2526 Datum upisa : 09.08.2007
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 8/29/2007, 08:50 | |
| - Alec ::
- Znao sam...
Zaleteli su se ljudi zbog dokapa... :drunken: Samo u ovoj zemlji rights issue f-cionishe na taj bolestan nachin u kojem ljudi ochekuju profite... AIK je najbolji primer u kojem je ponderisana cena bila RSD 6,230 ili oko 60% diskont od tadashnje cene!! (?!?) Ove dokapitalizacije su klasichna piramida -- dajesh lovu nekompetentnim menadzment timovima da se oni lepo igraju, naravno ne prave profite ili prave sumnjive profite, i onda na kraju kad pukne ceo balon nastrada budala koja je poslednja u nizu sa papirima u rukama. Ako imash neshto shto ima 100 akcija chija je fer vrednost 10 i onda objavish povecanje kapitala od 20 novih akcija po ceni od 7.5, nova cena mora da padne na: (1000 + 150) / (100 + 20)= 9.5833 A ne u Srbiji... Kupish AIK po 6,200 i onda kao prodash po 11,000... Da se lepo prekrsti chovek... I onda mi neko truni kako je to fer cena... HELLO?! Respect za poshtene ljude koji kazu "ma da bre, cuti, malo da se oparimo na brzinu, vidish da se mulja neshto najgore -- al' valjda nece mene da klepi"... ;) ;) ;) _________________ He makes millions of dollars come out of those phones. He is the most revered of all species: a Big Swinging Dick.
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Milos86 VIP
Broj poruka : 2237 Godina : 38 Localisation : Nish Points : 1327 Datum upisa : 20.05.2007
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 10/24/2007, 09:34 | |
| Jumbes: Dokapitalizacija u 2008. Posted: 23 Oct 2007 01:49 AM CDT Beograd, 23.oktobar 2007. godine - Jubmes banka će početkom 2008. godine udvostručiti kapital emisijom običnih akcija za oko 40 miliona evra.Kako kažu u Jubmes banci, cena, kao i početak upisa i uplate 11. emisije akcija, biće naknadno objavljeni. Osnovni kapital Jubmes banke trenutno iznosi oko 35 miliona evra, a odluka o dokapitalizaciji Jubmes banke doneta je 18. oktobra na vanrednoj sednici Skupštine akcionara. Prema podacima Centralnog registra za hartije od vrednosti, najveći akcionar Jubmes banke sa 21,1 odsto akcija je Republika Srbija, a oko 7,4 odsto akcija je još u vlasništvu bivše SFRJugoslavije. Jubmes banka (Jugoslovenska banka za međunarodnu ekonomsku saradnju), osnovana je 1979. godine kao specijalizovana finansijska institucija za refinansiranje i osiguranje izvoza, a 1997. je transformisana u komercijalnu banku. (Beta) | |
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Greta VIP
Broj poruka : 1280 Localisation : Bgd Points : 3147 Datum upisa : 28.05.2007
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 1/15/2008, 11:55 | |
| VAUUUU! :najezeni: :najezeni: :najezeni: ??? Shta se ovo deshava danas sa Jubmes bankom???? 90.000 +18,42% | |
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Magi Just looking
Broj poruka : 29 Points : 25 Datum upisa : 10.01.2008
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 2/27/2008, 14:50 | |
| Skupština JMBN je zakazana za 27. mart! :)
Na dnevnom redu je između ostalog ... raspodela dobiti-dividenda u akcijama, dokapitalizacija sa novom stimulativnom cenom, novi split akcija ...
Presek za dan dividende je 24. mart. :D | |
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Poštar Partner
Broj poruka : 29 Points : 21 Datum upisa : 10.10.2007
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 2/27/2008, 15:27 | |
| [quote="magi"] Može li se oznati odakle informacije, i ako može sa više detalja :bounce: | |
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Magi Just looking
Broj poruka : 29 Points : 25 Datum upisa : 10.01.2008
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 2/27/2008, 15:47 | |
| [quote="Poštar"] - magi ::
- Može li se oznati odakle informacije, i ako može sa više detalja :bounce:
Objavljeno Sazivanje Skupštine u današnjoj "Politici"! Nažalost ne znam detalje, pa bi bilo dobro ako ih neko zna da nam ih na forumu saopšti :study: | |
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nikica37 Just looking
Broj poruka : 11 Points : 0 Datum upisa : 25.11.2007
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 3/26/2008, 21:03 | |
| Za 2008 na apr-u dobit 503.234.000 din. Sutra je skupstina. | |
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Magi Just looking
Broj poruka : 29 Points : 25 Datum upisa : 10.01.2008
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 3/27/2009, 14:53 | |
| Kakve su vesti sa današnje Skupštine akcionara JMBN?
Da li je doneta odluka o raspodeli dobiti - dividenda u akcijama, kešu i sl.?
Unapred hvala za informacije! :) :x | |
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Magi Just looking
Broj poruka : 29 Points : 25 Datum upisa : 10.01.2008
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 4/3/2009, 15:27 | |
| JMBN: Pokazatelji nakon inoviranja prospekta i rezultata za 2008. godinu
Tržišna kapitalizacija 1.576.151.471 EPS 8.396,78 PE 1,22 PB 0,38 ROE 31,20
Komentar !? | |
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Sneki Beli Mag
Broj poruka : 5405 Localisation : Centar grada Points : 6910 Datum upisa : 21.05.2007
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 4/3/2009, 19:02 | |
| - magi ::
- JMBN: Pokazatelji nakon inoviranja prospekta i rezultata za 2008. godinu
Tržišna kapitalizacija 1.576.151.471 EPS 8.396,78 PE 1,22 PB 0,38 ROE 31,20
Komentar !? Magi, kriza, strah... nepoverenje! Southeastern European banking sectors under scrutiny Negative news included the collapse of Lehman Brothers last year, fears of a run on deposits, exposure to “toxic assets”, high leverage coupled with insufficient capitalisation, frozen credit markets and as a result, rising funding costs, asset quality concerns, and finally, banks’ nationalisations at the expense of shareholders. Only a few of the characteristics mentioned above are shared by banks in Southeastern Europe. However, there are other factors specific to the region that have a negative impact on the sector. As a result, many Southeastern European banks have corrected sharply over the past few months, behaving similarly to banking shares on other markets. Some concerns One of the concerns for the Southeastern European banks stems from the fact that the foreign ownership is rather high, which makes banks in the region dependent on their respective strategic owners abroad. In Romania, foreign ownership in the banking sector stood at 88% by the end of September 2008. The ratio is even higher for Croatia, with 90% by the end of September 2008, while in Serbia, 75% of total banking assets were foreign-owned by the end of the period. Slovenian and Turkish banking assets on the other hand, are still to a large extent owned by domestic players. In addition, the ownership is rather concentrated to just a few names, like the Italian bank Unicredito, the two Austrian banks Erste and Raiffeisen International, the French bank Societe Generale and a handful of Greek banks. Foreign banks have provided much of the funding needed to fuel the relatively high loan growth rates over the past years. However, as some of the foreign banks needed to be refinanced by their respective governments, and as funding is rather scarce and costly even for the parent banks, the continuation of funding of Southeastern European subsidiary banks by their parent banks is currently one of the key concerns. Funding from parent banks will most likely decrease in the coming period. However, we believe that an abrupt drop is rather improbable. This would negatively impact the subsidiary banks and the costs of such developments will, at least partially, be ultimately borne by the parent banks. Foreign currency lending The high portion of hard currency lending in some of the countries in Southeastern Europe, coupled with the weakness of the currencies in the region over recent months, is a further point of concern. In Romania, 58% of total loans were in foreign currency (mostly Euro) by the end of 2008, while the ratio for Croatia and Serbia (including FX-linked loans) stood at 65% and 67% respectively (by September 2008). Due to the measures taken in Turkey in the aftermath of the 2001 financial crisis, foreign currency lending in the country is rather low, making up only 29% of total loans by the end of last year. In addition to the foreign currency lending, the expected economic contraction this year in most of the countries in the region will put further pressure on the loan book quality of the banks. In fact, non-performing loans have already been on the rise, accelerating in the last part of 2008. Loans categorised under “loss” and “doubtful” increased in 2008 by 116% in Romania, bringing the ratio of these loans to total loans in the sector to 6.5%, from 4.0% by end 2007. Similarly to Romania, non-performing loans have increased in the other banking sectors in the region, forcing banks to sharply increase their provisions, starting with the fourth quarter last year. Does all of the above imply that one should completely avoid investing in Southeastern European banking shares? We believe that the risks for the banking sectors in the region are in general relatively high and therefore we are cautious towards the sector. However, at the same time there are some attractive investments on a case by case basis. Furthermore, there are also some factors that positively differentiate the banking systems in Southeastern Europe from those in developed markets.Firstly, none of the banks in Southeastern Europe has collapsed or needed to be bailed out by the respective governments, and we believe that the probability of such an event occurring in the coming months is rather low at present. In addition, as banks in the region have no exposure to “toxic assets,” they have, in contrast to many banks in the US and Europe, not recorded large losses stemming from asset writedowns in the second part of last year. On the contrary, 2008 was a year in which some of the banks in the region posted their highest earnings ever, despite the difficult environment in the second part of the year. Moreover, Southeastern European banks were acquired rather than acquiring other banks, and thus do not carry large goodwill positions on their balance sheets that might need to be written off in the future, putting further pressure on the earnings. Lastly, the capitalisation of the banks in the region is in general higher than in developed markets.Pa sad ti budi pametna !! :drunken: _________________ Kupite akcije, uzmite pilule za spavanje, spavajte i kada se probudite bićete bogati...
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Joca VIP
Broj poruka : 159 Points : 325 Datum upisa : 29.06.2008
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 4/4/2009, 20:30 | |
| - magi ::
- JMBN: Pokazatelji nakon inoviranja prospekta i rezultata za 2008. godinu
Tržišna kapitalizacija 1.576.151.471 EPS 8.396,78 PE 1,22 PB 0,38 ROE 31,20
Komentar !? rezultati su ok. Ne treba da se žalite na cenu kad imate +40% više akcija. To će promeniti "malo" ove pokazatelje. | |
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Sneki Beli Mag
Broj poruka : 5405 Localisation : Centar grada Points : 6910 Datum upisa : 21.05.2007
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 4/28/2009, 19:41 | |
| [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]Evo, dokle je stigla nadgradnja na zgradi JUBMESA na N. Beogradu !! . _________________ Kupite akcije, uzmite pilule za spavanje, spavajte i kada se probudite bićete bogati...
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Magi Just looking
Broj poruka : 29 Points : 25 Datum upisa : 10.01.2008
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 4/29/2009, 08:57 | |
| Poslovna zgrada JMBN svakim danom sve više raste, dok naša (još uvek neisplaćena) dividenda u kešu svakim danom sve više pada.
Posle podizanja poreske stope na dividende i usvajanjem rebalansa budžeta, neto dividenda po akciji će biti znatno manja od one koja je trebalo da bude (720 dinara). Na ovom primeru se najbolje vidi značajan uticaj predstavnika države na poslovanje ove banke. :naghty: | |
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Magi Just looking
Broj poruka : 29 Points : 25 Datum upisa : 10.01.2008
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 6/12/2009, 10:32 | |
| Uplaćena je dividenda! Može da se podigne :!: | |
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Broj poruka : 523 Localisation : valjevo Points : 1619 Datum upisa : 25.05.2009
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 6/28/2009, 20:45 | |
| Šest uspešnih decenija "Jugoimport SDPR" Tanjug BEOGRAD - "Jugoimport SDPR", koje ove godine obeležava šest decenija postojanja, u 2009. beleži najbolje poslovne rezultate od 1991, saopšteno je u ovom Javnom preduzeću (JP). Od početka do juna 2009, vrednost izvezenog naoružanja i vojne opreme premašila je 105 miliona američkih dolara.
Ovde bi trebalo da bude para i za JMBN.
Koliko bi se moglo ocekivati? Za koje usluge? (izvozne garancije, kreditiranje proizvodjaca naoruzanja....) Da li neko zna vise o tome?
Pozdrav | |
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Broj poruka : 523 Localisation : valjevo Points : 1619 Datum upisa : 25.05.2009
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 7/24/2009, 00:21 | |
| Jugoimport opet u akciji:
Yugoimport želi preuzeti Zrak Autor/izvor: SEEbiz / Nezavisne BANJA LUKA - Srbijanski Yugoimport, jedan od najznačajnijih regionalnih trgovaca oružjem i vojnom opremom, otkupio je tendersku dokumentaciju za kupovinu 49 odsto državnog kapitala Fabrike namjenske industrije Zrak iz Teslića i time pokazao ozbiljnu namjeru da postane najveći akcionar ovog preduzeća.
Pozdrav | |
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Broj poruka : 523 Localisation : valjevo Points : 1619 Datum upisa : 25.05.2009
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 7/27/2009, 18:08 | |
| Realizovan ugovor sa Irakom vredan 114 miliona dolara Međunarodni Radio Srbija - Pre 6 sati
Javno preduzeće Jugoimport-SDPR uspešno je realizovalo ugovor za isporuku zaštitne opreme i uniformi Ministarstvu odbrane i Vojsci Iraka vredan 114 miliona dolara, saopštilo je to preduzeće. U izradi poliesterskih navlaka za zaštitne prsluke, izradi čizama, rukavica i beretki, kao i pratećeg potrebnog materijala angažovana je velika grupa domaćih firmi, čiji su proizvodni kapaciteti i više hiljada radnika, posle dužeg vremena, bili maksimalno angažovani, navedeno je u saopštenju.
P.S. Da li neko zna kako napreduje zgrada? Mesecima nisam isao do merkatora.
Pozdrav | |
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Bond Moderator
Broj poruka : 14001 Localisation : Novi Sad Points : 52635 Datum upisa : 03.06.2009
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 8/27/2009, 17:11 | |
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Bond Moderator
Broj poruka : 14001 Localisation : Novi Sad Points : 52635 Datum upisa : 03.06.2009
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 9/3/2009, 21:32 | |
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Magi Just looking
Broj poruka : 29 Points : 25 Datum upisa : 10.01.2008
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 9/4/2009, 10:30 | |
| Upravo je prodat ceo paket sopstvenih akcija JMBN. :!: Da li se zna kupac? | |
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Aleks Old member
Broj poruka : 1306 Godina : 71 Localisation : Bezanijska kosa Points : 3868 Datum upisa : 15.05.2009
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 9/4/2009, 12:14 | |
| Mislim da je 5 ili 6 po redu u HOV. | |
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BAJA PATAK Just looking
Broj poruka : 2 Points : 2 Datum upisa : 05.09.2009
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 9/8/2009, 21:36 | |
| - Aleks ::
- Mislim da je 5 ili 6 po redu u HOV.
Ako znaš ko je kupac, napiši konkretno o kome se radi, a ne da mi nagađamo ko je? | |
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Aleks Old member
Broj poruka : 1306 Godina : 71 Localisation : Bezanijska kosa Points : 3868 Datum upisa : 15.05.2009
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 9/9/2009, 16:25 | |
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Bond Moderator
Broj poruka : 14001 Localisation : Novi Sad Points : 52635 Datum upisa : 03.06.2009
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 9/11/2009, 18:33 | |
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BAJA PATAK Just looking
Broj poruka : 2 Points : 2 Datum upisa : 05.09.2009
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 9/13/2009, 18:58 | |
| Hvala na info u vezi sa promenama! Predosećam da će se moj trezor uskoro napuniti sa novcem od ove hartije! Jedva čekam da što dublje zaronim u njega pre nego što ga "buldozi" otkriju :smokeing: | |
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Bond Moderator
Broj poruka : 14001 Localisation : Novi Sad Points : 52635 Datum upisa : 03.06.2009
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 9/14/2009, 17:31 | |
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Bond Moderator
Broj poruka : 14001 Localisation : Novi Sad Points : 52635 Datum upisa : 03.06.2009
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 9/15/2009, 21:19 | |
| Promene: 14.09. - 15.09.2009. (T-3) ili 09.09. - 10.09.2009. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] | |
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Bond Moderator
Broj poruka : 14001 Localisation : Novi Sad Points : 52635 Datum upisa : 03.06.2009
| Naslov: Re: Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN 9/16/2009, 19:09 | |
| Promene: 15.09. - 16.09.2009. (T-3) ili 10.09. - 11.09.2009. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] | |
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| Jubmes banka a.d. Beograd - JMBN | |