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 Novi trendovi u kulturi i modi...

Ići dole 
Kobe Bryant
Kobe Bryant

Broj poruka : 3003
Godina : 48
Localisation : N.BGD
Points : 5593
Datum upisa : 22.05.2007

Novi trendovi u kulturi i modi... Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Novi trendovi u kulturi i modi...   Novi trendovi u kulturi i modi... Icon_minitime11/25/2013, 14:56

Fenomen hipstera

zbledeli uzani džins. Ležerna pamučna majca ili retro džemperić. Naizgled razbarušena kosa, a zapravo je svaka dlaka na svom mestu. Naočari debelih okvira, ali ne nužno sa staklima. Palestinska marama. Bendovi s najboljim recenzijama na Pitchforku u slušalicama. Šoping. Ironija, apatija i nostalgija. Pripojite sve ovo jednoj osobi i dobili ste prosečnog hipstera.

Termin „hipster“ se prvi put pojavio 40-ih godina u SAD i opisivao je pripadnike bele srednje do više klase, koji su imali afinitete prema tadašnjoj džez i bluz sceni. Nisu se zaustavljali samo na muzici – trudili su se da prisvoje stil oblačenja, način govora i uopšte kompletan imidž muzičara. Boemski život, uživanje lakih droga i često naginjanje homoseksualnosti... Tendencija da se zanemari status, poreklo i pripadanje društvenom sloju belih kragni.

Vezanost za muzičku scenu i težnja avangardi kao pokušaju bekstva iz sopstvenih okvira možda je jedino što povezuje tadašnje i današnje hipstere. Međutim, četrdesete su bile manje medijski zlokobno vreme. Tada nije bilo mogućnosti da se stvori kontrolisani globalni trend, koji se još trudi da izgleda potpuno spontano.

Svi se slažu u jednom: hipsteraj je podkultura koja se prezentuje kao kontra-kultura. Stvorena da bi konzumirala, pri tom pokušavajući da oda privid apsolutne kreativne autentičnosti. No, nekim čudom, od Tokija do Njujorka, od Johanezburga do Osla, svi hipsteri izgledaju suštinski isto, slušaju iste izvođače i imaju iste stavove. Biti različit da bi se bio isti? U hipster fenomenu ogleda se sila novih strategija marketinga – kroz sajtove, blogove, individualne kreatore mišljenja i viralne internet fenomene. Kada pogledamo širu sliku, sve počinje da liči na masovni marketinški eksperiment.

Ipak, ono što je daleko čudnije od same pojave je intenzitet besa i prezira onih koji besumučno napadaju „hipsterdom“. Kolumnisti, samozvani i diplomirani kulturolozi, svi pozivaju na (makar misaoni) linč hipstera. „Hipster mora umreti“. Može se čuti da je ovo prva nazovi kontra-kultura koja je revolucionarnost zamenila ravnodušnošću, da obesmišljuje druge podkulture pripajajući njihove elemente sebi, pritom im uništavajući simboliku.

Najviše volim zakone koji nemaju kaznene odredbe, ti su najbolji!
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Kobe Bryant
Kobe Bryant

Broj poruka : 3003
Godina : 48
Localisation : N.BGD
Points : 5593
Datum upisa : 22.05.2007

Novi trendovi u kulturi i modi... Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Novi trendovi u kulturi i modi...   Novi trendovi u kulturi i modi... Icon_minitime11/25/2013, 14:58

Odakle dolaze nove definicije i trendovi


Punk Punk genre of Speculative Fiction based on the 1920s - 1950s period, spiced up with retro-futuristic innovations and occult elements. The dieselpunk narrative is characterized by conflict vs the undefeatable(naturesocietycosmic), strong use of technology, and Grey and Gray Morality. The protagonists are oftenHeroic Neutral and have low social status.

Generally, dieselpunk can take inspiration from 1920s German Expressionist filmsFilm Noir1930s Pulp Magazines and Radio DramasCrime and wartime comics, period propaganda films and newsreels, wartime pinups, and other entertainment of the early 20th century. As this covers a broad spectrum, the precise sources of inspiration can vary greatly between dieselpunk works. Like Steam Punk, Dieselpunk is a genre dictated primarily by its aesthetics rather than by its thematic content. Both grime and glamour have their place in dieselpunk.

Dieselpunk overlaps with Two-Fisted Tales and Raygun Gothic, but differs mostly in its Punk Punk theme.Two-Fisted Tales explore settings such as Heroic FantasySpace Opera, etc that are not properly a part of Dieselpunk, and Raygun Gothic tends to describe a period both chronologically and technologically later. Typically, Dieselpunk roots itself in urban and wartime settings of the 1920s to the late 1940s, both literally and figuratively 'down to earth'.

A common point of divergence from our timeline is that The Great Depression never happened, leading to further economic and technological growth and less of the warmongering typical of the inter-war era. World War II may still happen in some Dieselpunk settings, see below.

The term Dieselpunk was popularized by Lewis Pollak and Dan Ross in 2001 as the genre for their RPG Children of the Sun. Pollak stated that it was intended to be on the "darker, dirtier side of Steam Punk" and should be considered a "continuum between steampunk and Cyber Punk."[1]Novi trendovi u kulturi i modi... External_link. (On the other hand, noted reviewer Ken Hite described Children as "Not really diesel, and not really punk.")

To be noted: unlike the 2000s, the Diesel-powered car in the 1930s was a rare curiosity, only a single model being put into small-scale production in Germanyduring that age (and almost exclusively used as a taxi), but on the other side the vast majority of the population could not afford cars back then. The life of an ordinary citizen was far deeper influenced by the oil-burning locomotive, bus, ocean liner or neighborhood power plant. Still, during this period steam engines weregradually being replaced by diesel engines in many areas.

Najviše volim zakone koji nemaju kaznene odredbe, ti su najbolji!

Poslednji izmenio Kobe Bryant dana 11/25/2013, 15:02, izmenjeno ukupno 1 puta
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Kobe Bryant
Kobe Bryant

Broj poruka : 3003
Godina : 48
Localisation : N.BGD
Points : 5593
Datum upisa : 22.05.2007

Novi trendovi u kulturi i modi... Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Novi trendovi u kulturi i modi...   Novi trendovi u kulturi i modi... Icon_minitime11/25/2013, 15:01

Definicije i kategorije, koje se nameću:


Retro-style Speculative Fiction set in periods where steam power is king. Very often this will be in an Alternate Universewhere the internal combustion engine never displaced the steam engine, and as a result all manner of cool steam-driven technologies have emerged, ranging from Airships to submarines; the plausible counterpart to Magitek, with a Hollywood Science Hand Wave or The Spark of Genius. Largely, steampunk runs on Rule of Cool. Sometimes combined with the work of Charles Babbage on mechanical computers to produce a kind of retro Cyber Punk set entirely in the Victorian era or a close analogue, with Dickensian exploitation.

Steampunk may be a modern reflection of the 1930s–40s trope of The Gay Nineties, an idealized version of the 1890s. The term "steampunk" was coined by K. W. Jeter to describe the speculative fiction stories in a Victorian setting that he,Tim Powers, and James Blaylock were writing in the early 1980s in contrast to the Cyber Punk stories like Neuromancerthat were saturating media. Steampunk's modern incarnation may be considered a reaction to the popular dystopias of that time: the positive power of the imagination and subversion of the New Technology Is Evil trope are common steampunk themes, although recent Steam Punk is increasingly likely to deal with dystopian societies, sometimes even drawing upon the works of Charles Babbage to theorize humans with mechanical brains and other things rendering them Cyber Punk in all but backdrop and visual trappings.

Elements of steampunk that are set in the American frontier are usually referred to as "Cattle Punk". Some writers and fans refer to the "shiny happy" version as "Victorian Fantasy", "Gaslamp Fantasy" or "Victorian Futurism". Supernatural or paranormal tropes are more frequently included in this approach, in which case the Encyclopedia of Fantasy favours "Gaslight Romance".

The more Victorian branch of Steampunk sometimes also incorporates vaguely Lovecraftian elements, as shown hereNovi trendovi u kulturi i modi... External_link. Another good example of the Lovecraftian/antediluvian influence on Steampunk would be the design of the Nautilus, Captain Nemo's submarine, in the film adaptation of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Expect to also see a strong, visible Irish influence, in terms of such features as stained wood, brass, and American frontier-style blown glass oil lamps. You will occasionally encounter some minor overlap with the post-Victorian Art Deco movement as well, particularly in terms of typography. TheZeppelin or could also be considered one of the major icons of Steampunk, due to the major public enthusiasm for the craft pre-1937. This is despite them being much more commonplace in the Diesel Punk era. To be fair, though, the first airship flew in 1852, predating both the Lincoln Administration and radio- and yes, it was powered by a steam engine.

Jules Verne, the first Speculative Fiction writer, is the king of this trope. He and H. G. Wells are often mentioned as the foundation of a literary steampunk's reading list.

If instead of industrial era technology, the setting has pre-industrial technology, see Clock Punk, and if it includes internal combustion engines in place of steam, see Diesel Punk, though there can be crossover between them if used purely asthetically. Many examples of Steam Punk mix in a few mutated monsters (probably in homage to Charles Darwin living roughly in the era depicted), thereby bordering upon Bio Punk. If it assumes the truth of Victorian-era science, it may also become an example of All Theories Are True. Visual media (and the real life Steampunk subculture) will never miss a chance to showcase some seriouslyAwesome Anachronistic Apparel, and for Fanservice's sake a woman in a corset must be involved at some point. As might be expected, Steam Punkfashion/costuming has a certain amount of overlap with the Gothic subculture, although the Goth look tends to be somewhat darker, and not as heavily focused on machinery as such.

Of course, the difference in values between the Victorian era and the present are rarely mentioned, unless the work is emphasising the "Punk" side of things more than most of them do.

Najviše volim zakone koji nemaju kaznene odredbe, ti su najbolji!
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