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 Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici?

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Kobe Bryant
8 posters
Beli Mag
Beli Mag

Broj poruka : 5401
Localisation : Centar grada
Points : 6896
Datum upisa : 21.05.2007

Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici? Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici?   Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici? Icon_minitimePet 15 Feb - 11:58

Advokatska kancelarija JPM

Citat :
Law on Development Fund of AP Vojvodina adopted by the Serbian Parliament
The Parliament of the Republic of Serbia has adopted on its session held on December 29th 2012 the Law on Development fund of the Autonomous Provence Vojvodina. JPM Partners  Nenad Popovic, Jelena Gazivoda, Aleksandar Hadzic and Nikola Djordjevic advised the Ministry of finance and economy of the Republic of Serbia in process of adoption of this law.

Citat :
New Credit Agreements Approved by Serbian Parliament
JPM Partners Ms. Jelena Gazivoda and Mr. Nikola Djordjevic provided  full legal support to the State Owned Gas Transportation Company Srbijagas Novi Sad in negotiation of standard LMA Credit Facility Agreements and accompanying transaction documents, with Credit Suisse International and Deutsche Bank London Branch, in the overall amount of EUR 160 million. The Parliament of the Republic of Serbia has adopted on its session held on December 29th 2012 the laws on providing state guarantees to the lenders.

Citat :
JPM advises on Nova Agrobanka
JPM team led by Senior Partner Mr. Nenad Popovic and Partners Ms. Jelena Gazivoda, Mr. Aleksandar Hadzic, Mr. Nikola Djordjevic and Mr. Uros Markovic has been advising Ministry of Finance and Economy in the course of drafting the Law on Take-Over of Assets and Liabilities of Certain Banks for the Purpose of Preservation of Stability of Financial System of the Republic of Serbia, as well as in the course of execution and implementation of the Agreement on Take-Over of Part of Assets and Part of Liabilities of Nova Agrobanka ad Beograd as well as the Agreement on Providing Non-Refundable Financial Support. This has been the first P&A transaction in Serbia bringing about to the stability of the financial system of the Republic of Serbia.

Citat :
Italian-Serbian economic Summit in Milan
Vladimir Bojanovic, Partner at Jankovic, Popovic & Mitic Law Firm, as a member of the official delegation of the Republic of Serbia participated at the Italian-Serbian economic Summit in Milan, on the 30th March 2012. Mr. Bojanovic gave a presentation on the legal issues pertaining to foreign investments in Serbia.Other distinguished participants at the conference were the President of the Republic of Serbia, Mr. Boris Tadic, President of Lombardi, Presidents of Serbian and Milan Chamber of Commerce and other distinguished members of the Serbian Government, including representatives of the leading companies from Italy and Serbia.

Ista kancelarija zastupa i M. Beka, M.Miškovića i tesno saradjuje sa Dankom Djunićem i Vlahovićem....

Citat :
JPM Janković, Popović & Mitić win mandate from the Serbian government for the privatisation of JAT Airways
led by consultancy firm Deloitte which was mandated at the beginning of March after successfully tendering its bid to structure the sale and find investors for the airline.

Privatizacioni savetnik, koji je, kako kažu u Ministarstvu za infrastrukturu, predložio fleksibilni tender, za JAT, je konsultantska kuća DILOJT, koja je za svoje usluge već dobila pola miliona evra, bez obzira na uspeh tendera.
U slučaju uspeha, dobiće još toliko."

Citat :
Oglasila se i Deltina advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović i Mitić, koja je takve navode odbacila i navela da Mišković pri odvođenju u policiju nije pružao otpor niti je pretio policijskim i drugim državnim organima i funkcionerima.

Citat :
Vac je povukao svih svojih devet zahteva protiv kompanija koje su vlasnici beogradske novinske kuće „Novosti“ i dužan je da plati sve sudske troškove koji iznose oko milion evra, rekao je za Danas advokat Nenad Popović iz beogradske advokatske kancelarije „Janković Popović Mitić“, koja je zajedno sa bečkom advokatskom kućom CHSC zastupala tri kompanije u vlasništvu Milana Beka.

Poslednji izmenio Sneki dana Pet 15 Feb - 12:06, izmenjeno ukupno 1 puta
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Our family
Our  family

Broj poruka : 188
Points : 567
Datum upisa : 19.12.2007

Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici? Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici?   Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici? Icon_minitimePet 15 Feb - 12:03

Svaka cast za Kancelariju.
Hvala Sneki na trudu.
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Kobe Bryant
Kobe Bryant

Broj poruka : 3001
Godina : 48
Localisation : N.BGD
Points : 5587
Datum upisa : 22.05.2007

Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici? Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici?   Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici? Icon_minitimeNed 17 Feb - 21:09

Jeste neobično da advokatska kamcelarija piše ugovore ili ih doteruje koje država sklapa. Može čak i da se postavi pitanje pa ko to radi u tim ministarstvima kad ne umeju da sklope ugovor o na primer NIS-a ?
Da, ova advokatska kancelarija je "doterivala" ugovor o prodaji NIS-a Rusima!! Kao i ugovore o gašenju AGBN i osnivanju/gašenju Nove AGBN!!

Tačno je i da ova kancelarija brani/zastupa Miškovića, Beka i saradjuje s Djunićem...

Beko je u svom čuvenom intervjuu rekao da u Srbiji nema dovoljno kvalitetnih kadrova i da se zato svi znaju i svi rade za svakoga!
Da li je baš tako?

Naravno da nije, jer kvalitetni ljudi neće da rade u ministarstvima za platu (ako i pristanu, gledaju da se "ugrade" u svaki dil, O.Dulić, Nikezić, Cvetković... su primeri za tako nešto).

U ovakvim kancelarijama plate su od 2000 evra pa naviše, uz deo iz čiste dobiti...

Naravno da deluje neozbiljno da jedna te ista kancelarija radi za državu, a u isto vreme zastupa i najjače tajkune koji upravo žele da prevari (zakonito) državu.
Tu nešto ipak nije OK, bar nije moralno.
A i neverovatno je da ne postoji još neka advokatska kancelarija koja ume da radi te "državne" poslove - ili je njih državi i ministarstvima preporučio sam Danko Djunić, ili Beko?

Nešto nije baš kako treba....

Najviše volim zakone koji nemaju kaznene odredbe, ti su najbolji!
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Old member
Old member

Broj poruka : 2050
Points : 5497
Datum upisa : 07.05.2009

Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici? Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici?   Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici? Icon_minitimePon 18 Feb - 15:01

Zar država ne bi trebalo da advokatske kancelarije angažuje posredstvom tendera?

Henri Kisindžer: “Opasno je biti neprijatelj SAD-a, ali je pogubno biti i njen prijatelj.”
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Kobe Bryant
Kobe Bryant

Broj poruka : 3001
Godina : 48
Localisation : N.BGD
Points : 5587
Datum upisa : 22.05.2007

Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici? Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici?   Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici? Icon_minitimeNed 31 Mar - 13:55

Advokati vlasnika Delte Miroslava Miškovića podneli su tužbu za klevetu protiv Alekse Jokića, šefa kabineta vicepremijera Aleksandra Vučića, potvrđeno je Danasu u kancelariji Janković, Popović i Mitić.

Parnični postupak pokrenut je u Prvom osnovnom sudu u Beogradu zbog Jokićevih navoda u intervjuu listu Kurir od 15. marta. Prema nezvaničnim informacijama, u ovoj parnici angažovano je više od 20 advokata iz pomenute kancelarije, a Mišković ne zahteva finansijsku odštetu. Njegov zahtev navodno svodi se na obavezu da eventualna presuda bude objavljena u listu Kurir, kao i u još jednom dnevnom listu o trošku tuženog.

Najviše volim zakone koji nemaju kaznene odredbe, ti su najbolji!
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Ars Vivendi
Ars Vivendi

Broj poruka : 2813
Points : 8015
Datum upisa : 21.01.2009

Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici? Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici?   Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici? Icon_minitimeČet 13 Jun - 11:30

Advokatska kancelarija za specijalne operacije-sa državom i protiv nje

 Konsiljeri svake vlasti

 Jedna privatna advokatska kancelarija iz Beograda, ortačko društvo Janković, Popović, Mitić, stalno se pojavljuje u sudskim postupcima, i to istovremeno zastupajući obe strane - i tajkune i državu koja se protiv njih, navodno, bori. Milioni evra se preko ove kancelarije odlivaju iz državnog budžeta u privatne džepove pod maskom „konsultantskih" usluga, uprkos činjenici da i u samoj administraciji ima više nego dovoljno stručnih kadrova kojima je posao ono što Janković, Popović, Mitić rade za debele honorare, ali je na ovaj način pranje para jednostavnije i sigurnije, kako se vidi i iz slučaja Večernjih novosti.

Prazan listić nije stav!
Izaberi da drugi ne bi birali umesto tebe!
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Beli Mag
Beli Mag

Broj poruka : 5401
Localisation : Centar grada
Points : 6896
Datum upisa : 21.05.2007

Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici? Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici?   Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici? Icon_minitimePet 25 Apr - 3:08

citat ::
The formal start of works on the South Stream pipeline section in Serbia, construction of a 421 km-long

Jankovic, Popovic, Mitic partners Jelena Gazivoda and Nikola Đorđević provided full support to Srbijagas in the process of drafting and negotiations these two agreements and protocol.
JPM is providing full legal support in this project from the very start in 2009.

citat ::
Telecommunications company Telenor Serbia annunced acquisition of 100% share in KBC Bank in Serbia.

According to the arrangement signed at JPM headquarters with Belgian KBC Group on April 26, 2013, Telenor will buy KBC Bank, while Societe Generale Bank will take over 81000 of KBC Bank’s clients.

The JPM M&A team headed by partners Milica Subotic, Marko Jovkovic and Senior Lawyer Nikola Poznanovic provided full legal services to the seller in cooperation with international law office Baker & McKenzie.

citat ::
JPM banking and finance team led by Partners Jelena Gazivoda and Aleksandar Hadzic has successfully completed the transaction of transferring the assets and liabilities of Development Bank of Vojvodina (Razvojna Banka Vojvodine)  to Postal Savings Bank (Banka Postanska Stedionica a.d. Belgrade) and Development fund of the Autonomous Province Vojvodina, Novi Sad.
This is the second complex transaction (first being transfer of Assets and Part of Liabilities of Nova Agrobanka ad) successfully performed by JPM team pursuant to the Law on Take-Over of Assets and Liabilities of Certain Banks for the Purpose of Preservation of Stability of Financial System of the Republic of Serbia, which was also drafted by JPM.

JPM has provided full legal service throughout the transaction including the structuring and completion activities.

citat ::
Victoria Group and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) signed a Loan Agreement
February 22, 2013
Victoria Group and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) signed a Loan Agreement .JPM team headed by Partners Nenad Popovic and Marko Jovkovic provided full legal support to Victoria Group in this transaction.

Kupite akcije, uzmite pilule za spavanje, spavajte i kada se probudite bićete bogati...
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Old member
Old member

Broj poruka : 2206
Points : 6094
Datum upisa : 25.07.2010

Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici? Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici?   Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici? Icon_minitimePet 10 Jul - 17:48

Posted at 08:25h in News by JPM Law Office
The Government of the Republic of Serbia has approved incorporation acts of Transportgas” i “Distribucijagas”, two subsidiaries of State Owned Gas Distribution Company “Srbijagas” to be incorporated with the purpose of performing the activities of transportation of natural gas and distribution of natural gas, respectively. Obligation of the Republic of Serbia deriving from the Agreement on Energy Community is to separate the activity of transport and distribution of natural gas from the activities of production, supply and storage of natural gas and approval of the incorporation acts of these two companies is the first step on the process.

JPM is providing full legal support to State Owned Gas Distribution Company Srbijagas in this process.

Uz božiju pomoć Miškoviće i Beka, koji su njihovi klijenti.
A čini mi se da će uskoro i Bajatović biti njihov klijent, on bar ima dovoljno novca...
A Čanak će se (lažno) pitati: "Di su naši novci?"

Kad ima love za šljam, ima da bude i za mene!!
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Old member
Old member

Broj poruka : 994
Points : 2799
Datum upisa : 05.09.2008

Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici? Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici?   Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici? Icon_minitimeSub 16 Apr - 18:11

It gives us great pleasure to announce that JPM Janković Popović Mitić has been ranked a TOP-TIER FIRM in 5 practice areas in this years’ edition of The #legal500 EMEA, with additional recommendations in 3 more practice areas.

We are proud of the entire team for being recognized for their outstanding performance and perseverance. This year exceptionally, not only do our Senior Partners Nenad Popovic and Dr Jelena Gazivoda, LL.M (Cantab) remain Leading Lawyers, but are also admitted to the Hall of Fame, raising the bar for everyone with this well-deserved award.

Our Leading Lawyers remain Partners Nikola Poznanovic and Djordje Novcic, joined this year by Partner Jelena Stankovic Lukic, together with Key Lawyer, Partner Jelena Milinovic. Our Next Generation Lawyers are Partners Jelena Nikolic and Ivan Petrovic, our Rising Stars, Senior Associates Marija Vukčevic – in two practice areas and, Bojana Javoric Micovic, joined by other Key Lawyer, Associate Zivko Simijonovic.

This is the result of not only outstanding individual efforts but also of the relentless support of our clients, for recognizing and recommending 18 lawyers within this years’ guide, proving their individual professional excellence. Recommended with a notable track record and extensive experience are Senior Partner Milos Mitic, Partners Nikola Djordjevic and Aleksandar Popovic, as well as Senior Associate Andrea Cvetanović.

The Legal 500 Series is acknowledged as the world’s largest legal referral independent guide, where firms and individuals are #recommended purely on #merit. It is the only guide to truly reflect the needs of #corporate counsel by focusing on the strength in depth of the teams rather than simply listing individual partners.
Please have a look at the 2022 complete Legal 500 rankings on the link .
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Ars Vivendi
Ars Vivendi

Broj poruka : 2813
Points : 8015
Datum upisa : 21.01.2009

Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici? Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici?   Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici? Icon_minitimeSre 11 Maj - 23:25

Energy has been Jankovic Popovic Mitic’s busiest practice, according to Senior Partner Jelena Gazivoda, mainly driven by Serbia’s long-standing aspiration to achieve energy stability and security of supply and bolstered by recent legislative amendments and the expected energy crisis caused by the war in Ukraine.

Prazan listić nije stav!
Izaberi da drugi ne bi birali umesto tebe!
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Old member
Old member

Broj poruka : 1647
Points : 4807
Datum upisa : 04.06.2008

Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici? Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici?   Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici? Icon_minitimePon 6 Jun - 20:15

What do GCs need to know about the employment issues facing them today?

It is with pleasure that we invite you to join us for the coming webinar:

NAVIGATING EMPLOYMENT TRENDS IN SERBIA, on Wednesday, 8th June at 11.00h

This event will bring law firms and clients together to discuss the latest trends in the employment market in Serbia. In order to give practical guidance on remote working and associated implications, several key points will be discussed:

👉 What are the respective legal obligations of the employer and employee in a remote work situation?
👉 Do rights of employees working remotely differ from the rights of the employees who are working at the business premises of the employer?
👉 In which way can employees’ work be supervised without jeopardizing their right to privacy?
👉 Are there any specifics to be mindful of when engaging foreigners to work remotely?
👉 Does the employment termination procedure differ when employee conducts work remotely?

Webinar will be held by Jelena Nikolic, partner at #JPM Jankovic Popovic Mitic, head of labor law department, with guest speakers from the respective practices.

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Advokatska kancelarija Janković, Popović, Mitić ili saučesnici?
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